Questions | Off Hollywood Movie Questions | Off Hollywood Movie

Frequently Asked Questions

For complete program details, please see official rules

Who is eligible?

Legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years of age or older.

How do I enter a contest?

Go to home page and click on the "Audition" button to submit your videos, photos or songs during the contest entry period. You must register at the website to submit your entry.

What do I need to submit?

Video, audio, or photo files in one of the following formats: Flash Video FLV, Mobile .3GP, .MPEG, .MP4, .MKV, QuickTime .MOV, Windows .AVI, or Windows .WMV. We recommend that files not exceed 100MB.

How do I win?

Contest winners are determined by an online rating process. The highest rated entry for each contest wins. An Entry must receive a minimum of 100 ratings to be eligible to win its Contest, but you may rate each Entry only once. You can see your average rating by logging in and clicking on your submission. For complete contest rules go to official rules.

How many times can each of my friends vote for me?

Registered users may rate each entry only once.

What happens if I win?

Contest winners will be contacted by e-mail or telephone by a representative of and will be instructed about travel arrangements and hotel accommodations for the trip to Hollywood for you and your friend.

What do I win?

In addition to your participation in the film production of "Off Hollywood", winners will be provided with the following:
  • Round trip airfare for two (2) to Los Angeles, California
  • Three (3) days and three (3) nights of hotel accommodations (one room)
  • Catered meals on set with the "Off Hollywood" cast and crew
  • Twenty-five dollars apiece per diem ($100 per person total)
  • Access to the mini-wrap party with "Off Hollywood" cast and crew
  • Movie credit (winners only)

If I win can I bring a friend?

Yes, you and one friend will travel to Hollywood and join the fun with "Off Hollywood"!

When are the contests?

Contest start dates and deadlines can be found on the "Contests" page.

When are contest winners notified?

For each of the contests winners will be notified approximately 72 hours after the deadline for rating.

How many contests may I enter?

Registered users may enter as many contests as they like.

How many videos, photos or songs can I submit per contest?

Registered users may submit as many videos, photos or songs as they like per contest.

What if I don't see my submission on the site?

It generally takes a few minutes for contest entries to appear in the gallery. If your video is rejected for technical reasons (i.e. the file is too large or the format is not compatible) you should receive and e-mail from OffHollywoodMovie informing you of this. OffHollywoodMovie reserves the right to censor any content that is inappropriate or that does not comply with the Official Rules and Regulations. Please see the Rules page for complete details.